Romantic letters
Letter Stand for
A Always Kiss each other upon departing.
B Be there for her.
C Create an environment of love.
D Do it, now!
E Escape from society.
F Fight fair.
G Give her your time.
H Handle with Care.
I Inspire your partner with your love.
J Judge not.
K Keep your good memories alive.
L Listen to her.
M Make love with your partner's needs foremost
N Never go to bed mad.
O Offer to handle an unpleasant chore.
P Praise him.
Q Quality time is a must.
R Respect her feelings.
S Say what you feel when you feel it.
T Tell her you love her everyday.
U Understand your differences.
V Valentine's day is everyday.
W Walk together.
X eXcite your partner as only you know how.
Y You can never say "I love you" too often.
Z Zero-in on his little passions.

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