By Amy Robin Gumley* You're on my mind the whole day through
From when I rise to when I schnooze
I just can't seem to shake the feel
That this time, it's the real deal.
For I've searched so hard for many years
Looking for someone I can call "Dear"
I've tried the clubs and personal ads
Only to find much love gone bad.
Though we've just met, the time is right
For me to say this slow -
"I like you lots, think we should date
As one another we get to know."
Yet I'm very shy to ask you out
And ponder what to do
The answer comes quite clearly
This poem is directed towards you.
Let me just say this -
"I like you and think you're swell
Let's go out - drink some zinfandel!"
We'll have a ball eating in town
I'll show you sights that will astound.
I'll take you dancing 'neath the stars above
We'll be happy as two little turtledoves.
We'll have a ball
I promise you that
Hoping that you'll like me
So much so that we'll meet again
As we frolic full of glee