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In 1888 freedom of passage for all ships of all nations in peace and in war was guaranteed by the Convention of Constantinople, the United Kingdom guaranteeing those and its own rights to the canal after Egypt became independent in 1936. Israel, created in 1948, was, however, denied passage after the first of the Arab-Israeli Wars, although cargoes destined for Israel on non-Israeli ships were permitted in 1952-53, 1957-59, and after 1975. Egypt's President Gamal Abdel Nasser precipitated the Suez Crisis on July 26, 1956, by nationalizing the canal company 12 years before the 99-year lease was to end and by blocking Israel's access to the Strait of Tiran and the Gulf of Aqaba. In October 1956, Israel occupied the Sinai Peninsula, and the United Kingdom and France occupied positions along the canal. The troops of these three nations were replaced by a United Nations Emergency Force in November 1956. The canal was reopened to non-Israeli traffic in April 1957 and turned over to Egypt, which eventually compensated the former shareholders in 1958.

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